Tag Archives: healthy eating

Meal Planning Monday No. 1 – 26th September 2011

I’ve seen the weekly Meal Planning Monday blog posts popping up regularly in my GReader for a few weeks now and I’ve been inspired by Kate at The Five Fs and Emma at Mummy Musings to start taking part myself.

I’ve been getting really frustrated with a few things to do with our evening meals lately. Firstly, when we have no plan we will occasionally end up eating an unplanned takeaway which is not only unhealthy and no good for my weight loss plans, it’s also very expensive when compared to a home cooked meal. Secondly, we might end up deciding on a meal during the day which requires a ‘quick trip’ to the supermarket for some essential ingredients that should cost about £5, yet I always seem to manage to spend about £30. Again, no good for a weekly budget and also can sometimes mean we end up eating quite late, another hindrance to healthy eating & my metabolism.

So, from this week onwards I am going to start planning out our meals for the week and, this is the really important bit, sticking to it! I might switch days around if our circumstances with work etc change but, ultimately, these will be the meals we’re going to eat this week:

Monday: Sweet chilli & garlic chicken stir-fry with rice noodles, baby corn & sugar snaps

Tuesday: Probably soup as my husband is out until late at a meeting

Wednesday: Slow-cooker gammon joint with green salad, new potatoes & coleslaw

Thursday: Slow-cooker braised beef in red wine with carrots, parsnips, mashed potato & broccoli

Friday: Lemon & rosemary oven-baked seabass fillets with roasted vegetables

Saturday: Chinese marinated pork shoulder steaks with rice & vegetables

Sunday: Slow roasted spice rubbed boneless shoulder of lamb with roasted butternut squash, cauliflower & green beans.

Why not pop over to Mrs M and see what everyone else is planning this week?

Thanks for reading,

